We are trying to grow seeds in a baggie!
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Monday, September 24, 2012
Saturday, September 22, 2012
We have been doing a lot of learning these past few weeks, and I wanted to share some of the highlights:
- We just finished taking our September Evaluate (use to be known as Tungsten) tests in Reading and in Math. These tests are NOT graded. However, the teachers, as well as Dr. Stryjewski, use the data from the tests to guide our instruction. We use the results to pull small groups of students who need extra practice or reteaching on a particular skill. We also use the data to help us prepare the students for the MAP test. I did challenge the students with a goal. The goal is for every question that the entire class gets correct - so a 100% question - the students can earn a party. We got three 100% questions on the Sept. Evaluate tests, so we get three parties. Yippee!! We will vote this week on what we want for our parties. Way to go kiddos!
- In Math we just took our Ch. 3 test on rounding to the nearest tens place and to the nearest hundreds place, as well as greater than and less than. The students did pretty well, but some are still struggling with the rounding. I will work with them this week in order to help them master this skill.
- In Science we will be planting some seeds and watching them grow. Ask your child how we planted these seeds!
- In Reading we just finished reviewing the story elements, and will focus on Visualizing the story.
- In Writer's Workshop we have been reviewing how to write a friendly letter. The students have to include all 5 of the friendly letter parts, the commas in the correct places, indent the body, and have at least 5 sentences in the body. We will take our final assessment of this concept this week.
- We have another DLR test this week. We will complete the Wed. and Thurs. DLR on Wed., and take the DLR test on Thursday due to NO SCHOOL on Friday. Remember to review the daily DLR's with your child at home before the test. Thanks!
- Don't forget - Picture Day is next Wednesday, Sept. 26th.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Our reading minilesson focus has been The Story Elements. Ask your child to share what they know.
Monday, September 17, 2012
Friday, September 7, 2012
First Mystery Reader
Check out who surprised us today as our Mystery Reader!!!! Dr. Stryjewski read us a book called "The Fungus that Ate Our School."

Thursday, September 6, 2012
Buddy Pics
Sorry to my two of my friends that their pictures of them with their buddies did not post - oops! My phone didn't publish those two, and I didn't catch it! Sorry! Also, a few of my friends missed their buddies, but will get to chat with them and take pics soon so... To be continued....
* Book orders are due tomorrow. Sorry that I don't have an online code - I will work on that! Right now, just send your order to me!
* Tomorrow night is Concord Movie Night at Truman (wood floor gym). It starts at 6:30. I hope to see you there!
* Tomorrow night is Concord Movie Night at Truman (wood floor gym). It starts at 6:30. I hope to see you there!
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
We met with our buddies today, and made cards for the EMT workers and Paramedics in honor of 9/11! We had lots of fun getting to know our buddies, and creating the cards! Check out the pics below!
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